Outstanding review for plant-based protein project

In March 2019 two external reviewers evaluated the TiFN research project Anabolic properties of plant-based proteins as “excellent”. They are extremely enthusiastic about the quality and impact of the work and the organisation of the project, which began in 2016.

The project is lead by Prof. Luc van Loon (Maastricht University): “Long before the media began reporting on the need to increase the proportion of vegetable proteins in our diet, we were already investigating whether vegetable proteins are just as suitable as animal proteins for building muscle. In recent years, together with a number of industrial parties, we have developed a picture of whether vegetable proteins can provide enough of the essential amino acids needed for healthy muscle building. We have also investigated the effects of blends of vegetable proteins and combinations of vegetable and animal proteins on muscle building.”

In addition to practical scientific insights, the project provided a great deal of valuable information for the industrial parties. Van Loon: “In view of the confidentiality, I cannot publish any substantive results, but I can say that it has also paid off for the industrial parties to invest in early-stage research into vegetable proteins. They can now make scientifically-supported decisions about the use of vegetable proteins in their products.”

The first results are expected to be published in early 2020.