Why we study history.

These were confusing and troublesome. There are approximately 4,200 religions, churches as well as denominations, religious organisations as well as tribes, faith communities or movements, cultures and the most important concerns and there will always be more. As time passed in the past, there was a historical rationale that was understood and offered the most comfort. The cultural heritage and history. The introduction to the historical context of Official Declaration 2, for example, says how Joseph Smith did ordain a small number of black people, but that the Church’s leaders did not confer the priesthood to blacks at the beginning of the history of the Church.

The study of cultural history isn’t just the study of the high culture or even of the people’s ancient rituals. The declaration then makes this crucial claim: "Church records offer no precise information on the historical roots of this particular practice." 1. It’s best described as an approach that focuses on the field of representation and the struggle for interpretation as being the two most effective places to seek historical understanding. Gospel Topics essays 2 and other Church manuals provide greater information and provide additional historical background. 3 These explanations from the past have resonated with me and strengthened my faith. In its present form, it evolved to some extent from the "new" gender, social and economic stories that emerged in during the 60s and 70s, which attempted to understand the lives of the non-elite and women, however, their utilization of the structures of class was often seen as simplistic, while not recognizing the assumptions and assumptions which were shaping women’s perspectives. Church history has helped me appreciate those who’ve passed before me . The approach gained popularity after the 1980s, it became linked to the "linguistic turn," since its concern for contesting meanings is inevitably an curiosity about the language they are written in. This is particularly evident when we consider the contributions "ordinary" people have contributed to the church.

The practice of cultural history is increasingly applied to a array of subjects, which are creating history of the body, or of food for example. For instance, the very first chapels that were built in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia during the 1960s as well as the 50s was possible because of the efforts of members. Related publications. The temple ordinances demanded more sacrifice. Peter Burke, What is Cultural History? (Cambridge, 2004) As they knew it would be a long time before they could build temples in Africa the members of the church had to sell their possessions, including their homes, to earn enough money to visit the temple and to participate in these sacred ceremonies. Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures: Select Essays (New York, 1973) It is believed that the Church of the African continent is based upon the beliefs of those early members, who had no money but gave up to the point of death.

The study of Indian History. When I read their histories I am strengthened in my faith and my willingness to give up increases. To find out how agriculture, or other forms of existence come into existence. My church history has encouraged me to become better at keeping records . What was the first time our primitives began the use of metal ? If so, how did they come up with spinning or weaving, metalworking etc. The church has advised me to keep a journal. What was the process through which the administrative and political structures evolve. Why? because the Church’s history is an account of the "manner of living, … faith and deeds" and actions of the Church’s members (see Doctrine and Covenants 85:2).

How did the evolution of the arts, urban life research, and architecture change in the past, for example. Every time I read about the Church’s history, including the latest History, Saints, I am amazed at the fact that these books can be created only through the journal entries, letters and other papers of the ordinary individuals of the Church. The term "history" does not only refer to the description of historical events and dates that relate to the dynasties and kings However, it’s also about studying diverse aspects that formed the general character of the society and people. Their honest, first-person experiences inspire me to become an even better journal-keeper as well as assisting future historians record an accurate historical record of the Church’s history in Africa. The study of the past is an investigation of the complete human pastthat goes through thousands of years ago.

There is also a personal satisfaction from studying church history and working to be faithful to my own record. Over the course of time (starting with Ancient, Medieval, and Modern) each society has grown over a long time. In the manner that president Henry B. However, they differ in the how they developed and what methods they used. Eyring, Second Counselor of the First Presidency, has taught me, I am blessed by the ability to observe and keep in mind the Lord’s presence in my own life and in the life of the members of my household. The primitives were stone-age hunter-gatherers, and they all engaged in agriculture. Recollections of the past strengthen my testimony and improves my capacity to meet difficulties in my own life. Through time, they began to employ metal at times or another.

When I maintain my personal list and reflect on other members of the church’s careful record, I begin to discern the designs of our Lord when He restores His Kingdom and His Church in the final days. Despite the similar activities, they are different in their culture political, social and religious beliefs. This and other lessons that I’ve learned from studying Church’s past have been a huge help to my personal spiritual growth. The study of history aids in understanding societies, individuals and countries and, in the end humanity as a whole gets an understanding of identity and belonging. These lessons have also provided me with the confidence to defend my faith since I am aware of the reasons behind the things we do. It might be a superficial way of asking whether – Knowing the historical context behind some of our beliefs and practices makes me more effective as a teacher and better disciple.

Why should we study the history of our country? See "Race and the Priesthood," Gospel Topics, topics.ChurchofJesusChrist.org . Does it add anything economic to the society we live in? Check out, for instance, Foundations of the Restoration (Church Educational System manual) Chapter 26, 2016. Does it resolve the issue of unemployment and poverty? Read Henry B. It is true that History doesn’t answer the question, however History aids us in understanding the people from the past who lived in their societies, their cultures, religions, and social structures.

Eyring, "O Remember, Remember," Liahona, Nov. 2007, between 66 and 69. It also shows us how we can make the your future more successful.

The study of history helps us learn lessons from the past that will benefit us essay in the present and the future. History Research Paper Topics. It is a reminder to not repeat the mistakes that resulted in various human-made disasters and catastrophes, such as the wars (in earlier times). The study of history is among the most essential subjects of the school, college and the university course. History teaches us about the reasons and how to take care not to focus on the negative factors that led to problems for society and to follow those things that encourage peace, harmony, and prosperity. By studying the past, students gain a greater understanding of the events that occur throughout the world, to help them create a brighter future. Ashoka (the King of ancient Patliputra) in the Rock Edict XII, insisted on the following steps and practices that would ensure peace, harmony and prosperity in the society : It is said the saying that "history repeats itself, therefore, we can utilize this to our advantage by studying economic and cultural patterns, and learning from mistakes made in the past.

The promotion of common ground, or the foundation of all religions. This approach can help us to make better choices and lead a more fulfilling life. Achieving a sense of unity among all religions through practicing vachaguti, or restriction on criticism towards other religions or sects. Everyone who is intelligent should be aware of the path that led us to our present stage of development and what tragic events, wars, and other mishaps could be avoided if circumstances had been different. The gathering ( Samavaya ) of believers from diverse religions at religious assemblies. Researching interesting historical research papers can provide the answers to these questions.

The study of the text of different religions, so as to become bahusruta , or skilled in the texts of different religions. It also lets students learn about the culture and customs of other countries learn about the reasons why certain laws were enacted and also discover the origins in social movement. Why we study history. If you study, for instance, the period of slavery and you’ll be able to understand the reasons for having so many human rights groups today. The study of the past does not mean you live through the past rather, one learns to accept the past.

Additionally, you’ll be able to improve your analytical skills because historians interpret events in different ways and you will have the chance to examine an event from a variety of perspectives. History gives a group or a nation a distinct identity. This is the reason why you will find a variety of controversial historical research topics for college students. It’s not something can be discarded.

Your job is to discover the truth of the flow of information and give your readers a concept that is backed by compelling arguments. Voltaire (a brilliant politician and scholar from France) claimed his belief that India is the home of civilizations throughout the world and also the home of the religion that is its most ancient and pure form.